Science writing

Science writing other than what’s in the blog:

Return to the Mountain
An award-winning essay in Sage Magazine about hydraulic fracturing (aka fracking) in Arkansas.

Weeds making waves
Can a weed be useful? Turning a two-story weed into a boat. An essay in Science.

In yellowing leaves, a complex circle of life
Why leaves turn yellow or red.  Science!  Article in Daily News newspaper of Newburyport, Massachusetts.

The steady inland march of our marshes
What a mushroom teaches us about sea-level rise and marshes.  Article in the Daily News newspaper of Newburyport, Massachusetts.

In salt marsh, this snail freezes to survive
How the coffee-bean snail, Melampus bidentatus, survives a New England winter. Article in the Daily News newspaper of Newburyport, Massachusetts.

Life begins anew in vernal pools
Can life on Earth help us find life on Mars? Article in the Daily News newspaper of Newburyport, Massachusetts.

Our marshland nemesis, the wily Phragmites
A boat made out of an invasive reed. Article in the Daily News newspaper of Newburyport, Massachusetts.

In the marsh, ticks are ever vigilant
How a tick finds you and gets what she wants. Article in the Daily News newspaper of Newburyport, Massachusetts.

Great Marsh sparrow a harbinger of things to come
Instead of the ‘canary in the coal mine’, we have the ‘sparrow in the salt marsh’ in terms of monitoring sea-level rise in the Great Marsh. Article in the Daily News newspaper of Newburyport, Massachusetts.

Saving our blue-blooded Great Marsh inhabitants
How a horseshoe crab saved my life. Article in the Daily News newspaper of Newburyport, Massachusetts. 

‘Cow licks’ of the marsh
The strange patterns that appear in July in the marsh grass explained. Article in the Daily News newspaper of Newburyport, Massachusetts.

The Greenhead
It comes every year, the dreaded greenhead. Article in the Daily News newspaper of Newburyport, Massachusetts. 

Pickleweed a wandering gypsy with a salty bite
The scarlet gypsy that foretells fall in the marsh. Article in the Daily News newspaper of Newburyport, Massachusetts.

 For some insects, costumes are not just for Halloween
To bee or not to bee? Article in the Daily News newspaper of Newburyport, Massachusetts. 

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